Holistic sports nutrition with
Board Certified Sports Dietitian
Brooke Wyatt, MS, RDN, CSSD

Holistic sports nutrition with
Board Certified Sports Dietitian
Brooke Wyatt, MS, RDN, CSSD

Pasta in Jars by fresh fruit and veggies


Long Game Nutrition was created to teach athletes how to fuel their bodies to perform at the highest level–both as an athlete and a human being.

Fueling for the long game means athletes understand that the nutrition habits they are creating now will ultimately be the foundation used for the rest of their career and beyond.


Long Game Nutrition was created to teach athletes how to fuel their bodies to perform at the highest level–both as an athlete and a human being.

Fueling for the long game means athletes understand that the nutrition habits they are creating now will ultimately be the foundation used for the rest of their career and beyond.


Long Game Nutrition was created to teach athletes how to fuel their bodies to perform at the highest level–both as an athlete and a human being.

Fueling for the long game means athletes understand that the nutrition habits they are creating now will ultimately be the foundation used for the rest of their career and beyond.

Orange Slices


Virtual sports nutrition coaching for competitive athletes


  • Woman holding coffee typing on computer

    Nutrition and lifestyle assessment

    The first session is a full consultation to learn all about you and your goals

  • sandwich and salad

    Personalized nutrition recommendations

    You will receive an individualized plan specific to your needs and preferences

  • Woman video chatting after a jog

    Continuous support and accountability

    Packages include 1:1 meetings plus unlimited messaging between sessions


Brooke Wyatt holding Matcha Latte

The owner and passionate sports dietitian behind Long Game Nutrition. When not working with athletes, you can probably find her watching soccer, making a protein smoothie or enjoying the outdoors. 



  • Beach Volleyball

    “What I enjoyed most about this program was not only learning about nutrition specific to sport and how to maximize my performance but also making sure the research I’ve done on my own is beneficial and correct information so in turn I can build a healthy, balanced relationship with food.”

  • Baseball Field

    “Working with Brooke made me realize I feel more energized when eating the right foods and prioritizing hydration. I learned how to keep myself healthy off the field. Improving my nutrition has even helped with sleep, which has been a huge turning point.”

  • Swimming Pool

    “Brooke did an exceptional job of creating a personal evaluation of several nutrition skills recommended to elevate my performance by meeting a number of nutritional needs. As a result, I have not only felt stronger, more explosive, and energized when engaging in professional competition, but I have also felt more confident in my cooking skills to prepare nutritious and balanced meals to achieve optimal performance.”

  • Soccer Pitch

    “I really enjoyed that this program felt collaborative rather than a teacher - student type of dynamic where I am being told to do things a certain way. Brooke also took the extra step and evaluated my blood results to first and foremost see if my body is functioning properly and make sure I’m getting proper supplements to fill in any gaps in my diet. I would 100% recommend anyone to work with her!”

  • Track and Field

    “Aside from being a knowledgeable nutrition specialist, Brooke is one of the kindest and most approachable human beings I have ever met. She takes great pride in her work which directly impacts the effectiveness of her plans and strategies to help elite athletes reach their full potential on and off the field! It has been an incredible experience working with Brooke, and I intend to continue implementing the valuable information I have learned over the course of her time working with our group!”